Saturday 16 September 2017


  1. 2.  Teaching includes all the activities of providing education to other. The person who provides education is called teacher. The teacher uses different method for giving best knowledge to his students .He tries his best to make understand students. His duty is to encourage students to learn the subjects.
  2. 3.  H.C. Morrison – Teaching is an intimate contact between a more mature personality and a less mature one which is designed to further the education of the latter.  Edmund Amidon - Teaching is defined as an interactive process, primarily involving classroom talk, which takes place between teacher and pupil and occurs during certain definable activities.  Smith States that Teaching is organized system of specific activities aimed for help of lerner.
  3. 4.  Teaching Facilitate Students learning, often in a formal environment such as education institutions. E.g:- College, School, play school & University Etc.  Skills:- What Students should be able to do by the time the Course in completed.  Knowledge:- What students should know and understand by the time the course is completed.
  4. 5.  The student should do something new with the learned knowledge.  A knowledge is something understanding of the subject which have been taught by the teacher to students.
  5. 6.  ATTENTION:-Attention plays a very important role in students’ success in the classroom. Attention allows students to “tune out” unrelated information, background noise, visual distractions, and even their own thoughts. By doing this, students are able to concentrate and focus on the important information being given by teachers. All students can have problems attending to their teachers from time to time.  RETENTION:- What they learn from class and how much they remember it.  ASKING QUESTIONS:- This prove active participation of student in class, so student should encourage to ask question in class.  SHARING KNOWLEDGE:- Group discussion is the best example, and after Class students should discuss what have been taught in the class because for example we remember movies much because after watching movies we often discuss about the topic.
  6. 7.  Qualification of Teacher:- Teacher should have sufficient Interest and Knowledge in the subject.  Teaching Skills of the teacher:- Teacher should have good communication skills and its better they use simple and understandable English/Hindi as the medium of teaching. Experience grow with number of classes one keep on tacking.
  7. 8.  CLASSROOMS ENVIRONMENT:- Structure the classroom effectively. Try to arrange desks in a way that allows all students to equally be able to focus on you. You should also be able to move around the room to get to all students easily in order to respond to questions and better control behaviour.  Keep directions/lessons clear and concise. Begin lessons with examples and activities that attract students’ attention and that get them ready for the information that follows. Use both verbal and written instructions during lessons. Ask the students if they understand the directions, and see if they can repeat them back to you. Provide follow-up directions in writing and highlight or underline key words.  Monitor your talking. Decrease the amount of time you lecture, and try to incorporate more questions to get the students involved. Students are more likely to participate and engage in what they are learning if they feel like they have a choice and a voice in the activity or lesson. Questions also help students focus on what is more important to learn. Ask questions at the end of a lesson, but also before the introduction of new material.
  8. 9.  Engage through movement. You can provide opportunities for physical tasks in the classroom. Students can go up to the board to write their answers to questions. They can also help pass out papers, erase the board, or collect materials. Students will listen and focus more if there is a chance for active participation. You can even set aside time to do some stretching before or between lessons.  Vary teaching styles. Recognize that students’ learning styles can be very different. You can show information visually through graphic organizers, charts, maps, or software. You can also engage students by incorporating dance, drama, music, puppets, experiments, and other forms of active or hands-on learning activities. Students can also learn by doing projects or giving presentations with another classmate or in small groups. Remember, relating the topics of discussion to the students’ interests greatly helps increase classroom attention and participation.
  9. 10.  #STUDENT BACKGROUND AND ABILITY:- Its impossible to teach the student of K.G the course work of PhDs level. So its advisable to teacher to know their student mental capacity by questioners and the make course work according to that.
  10. 11.  1) Explaining:- Lecturing & Class participation, its one way of teaching.  2)Demonstration:- examples and Experiments, this is the best way of teaching student remember much by this methods. Now a days Projector and PPT are used for this purpose. Here teacher leads the class.
  11. 12.  3) COLLABORATIONS:- Classroom discussions.  4) HERURISTIC METHODS:- Learner Centered Method.  5) DISCOVERY METHOD:- Learning by doing.  6) PROJECT METHODS:- Implementing the Knowledge and Skills required to solve a problem.

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